Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Final Project-Audio Documentary

Internet Radio in Egypt: The Not So-Known Platform

Image taken from:
Google Images

Internet radio platforms have been evolving recently in Egypt. Some radio platforms are on their way to success but others are shutting down because of funding problems. This documentary explores this new platform and the challenges threatening its sustainability.

Length of the documentary: 14 minutes and 44 seconds.

Special Thanks to all my interviewees:
Akram Kassem
Mohmaed Youssef
Mostafa Fathi
Sara Alaa

Clips taken from YouTube:
Voices of people are taken from YouTube channels of DLTV, AboutLockergnome and KXLY
Egypt's Internet Revolution clip taken from CBS YouTube channel
Horytna Jingle by Lefty-M
Ezai by Mohamed Mounir 
Chanting is taken from Lorenzkh YouTube channel
Interview with Activist clip is taken from YouGertTube YouTube channel

Music and clips taken from Free Sound:
FM Flip
Solo Trumpet
Home Style Mandolin
Mellow Plagasul Guitars 

Music Taken from Free Music Archive:
Before After by Jahzzar
Candlelight by Jahzzar
Lemonade by Jahzzar
A Bird Came Flying by Anne Van Schothorst

Radio Program is taken from Nos El Kobaya Online Radio and Be Good Be Happy promo is taken from Sound of Sakia.